NHAA Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct establishes expectations for the behavior of all persons associated with the New Hampshire Art Association (NHAA), including Board Members, Member Artists, Employees and Volunteers (collectively “NHAA associates”) regarding their interactions with other NHAA associates and the general public. All NHAA associates are expected to comply with all local and federal laws and regulations, NHAA policies, and our Code of Conduct.
1. Respect for Others
NHAA associates are expected to foster a respectful and collaborative environment and avoid offending, participating in serious disputes or disrupting NHAA activities. NHAA associates are expected to treat all other NHAA associates and the general public with respect, courtesy, and dignity. Our standards are set forth in our Statement on the NHAA’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Harassment or disparagement based on someone’s race, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, physical ability, neurodiversity, religion, body type, country of origin, age, or socioeconomic background is prohibited. Prohibited acts include, without limitation, verbal harassment (epithets, derogatory or degrading statements, slurs), physical harassment (assault, physical interference with normal work or involvement), and innuendo. Any conduct that creates an intimidating, offensive or hostile environment is prohibited, even if such conduct occurs off of NHAA property or outside of normal hours.
2. Compliance with the law and NHAA Policies
NHAA associates must support NHAA’s compliance with the law and with our internal NHAA policies with their actions. We expect employees to be ethical and responsible when dealing with our finances, art exhibited by the NHAA, our partnerships and public image.
3. Protection of NHAA Property
All NHAA associates should treat NHAA property, whether tangible or intangible, as well as artwork consigned to the NHAA, with respect and care and not take any action which could harm NHAA’s reputation. NHAA associates should protect NHAA property from damage and vandalism whenever possible. Misuse or frivolous use of NHAA assets is prohibited. NHAA associates should respect all NHAA intangible property, including trademarks and other NHAA information and reports, and use them only to complete their official NHAA duties. Confidential information related to the affairs of NHAA shall not be shared, copied, reproduced, or otherwise disclosed, and only information deemed for public knowledge may be shared externally.
4. Integrity and Ethics
NHAA associates are expected to show integrity and professionalism in all NHAA activities and act in the best interest of NHAA. They must avoid any personal, financial or other interests that might hinder their capability or willingness to perform their responsibilities at NHAA. We discourage NHAA associates from accepting gifts, gratuities, or any item of value related to their role at NHAA, which could be interpreted as an inducement to provide special treatment. Members of the Board and key employees are subject to the New Hampshire Art Association Policy Governing Conflicts of Interest and Pecuniary Benefit Transactions.
5.Job duties and authority
NHAA associates should fulfill their duties with integrity and respect toward customers, stakeholders and the community and not abuse their authority. We expect all NHAA associates to complete their duties with in a timely manner and we encourage collaboration and mentoring throughout our organization. Absenteeism, tardiness and leaving early hurts our reputation and effectiveness, and all NHAA associates should follow stated schedules. Only Management or Board Directors can enter into any legal contracts or agreements with third parties or speak on behalf of NHAA to media or other interested parties.
6. Communication
Adherence to our Code of Conduct for NHAA associates pertains to all types of communications and correspondence, whether it be verbal, email, or other medium, or in any public forum. NHAA associates shall support NHAA’s position and policies in all communications with other associates and the public. NHAA associates must be open to communication from their colleagues, team members and other NHAA associates. NHAA has an open door policy.
7. Resolution of issues
The NHAA is committed to having every NHAA associate and members of the public receive fair and impartial treatment but recognizes that occasionally conflicts, misunderstandings, or problems may arise. Although most of these can and should be solved on an informal basis, we have established a process to resolve especially difficult issues.
Process for investigation of complaints:
a) NHAA associates should respectfully inform the person who is the source or cause of the problem/concern that a problem/concern exists. The parties involved should attempt to resolve the issue informally and independently.
b) If the NHAA associate does not wish to communicate directly with the person who is the source or cause of the issue or fails to satisfactorily resolve the issue after discussing it with that person, the NHAA Associate should contact the NHAA Director of Operations and Development or a Member of the NHAA Board of Directors. NHAA has adopted an NHAA Whistleblower Protection Policy, which enables NHAA Associates to raise serious concerns internally so that NHAA can address and correct inappropriate conduct and/or actions. This policy is posted in the Member Portal of our website.
c) The NHAA Board will promptly investigate any complaint made under the NHAA Whistleblower Protection Policy. It is expected that NHAA associates act responsibly and truthfully in making allegations, responding to allegations, and providing information in an investigation. Any NHAA associate who is determined, after an investigation, to have engaged in conduct in violation of this Code of Conduct will be subject to discipline, up to and including suspension and termination of employment, membership, or volunteer assignment. All complaints will be treated confidentially, to the extent possible. NHAA will not retaliate against any NHAA associate or member of the public who files a complaint in good faith, or who participates in good faith, in an investigation of a violation of this Code of Conduct.
Any questions about this document should be directed to NHAA management or a member of the NHAA Board of Directors.
Code of Conduct Policy adopted by the NHAA Board of Directors on September 21st, 2022.